Thursday 2 March 2017

DO YOU STAY UP LATE : You Might Be A Genius And Not Even Realize It

Unexpected Signs You Might Be a Genius

People have called you smart before, but you might have wondered if you could, in fact, be a genius. There are many different types of intelligence, but the IQ test is usually the one standard that is used to determine genius.
Of your intellect, you have multiple different ways to show your genius. Dr. Howard Gardner coined the term ‘multiple intelligence.’ This is the idea that Mozart and Einstein were both geniuses, but in different ways.
You might be any of the following types of genius:

* linguistic genius (writers, speakers)
* mathematical genius (scientists, financial planners)
* naturalistic genius (farmers, botanists)
* visual/spatial genius (artists, dancers)
* musical genius (composers, musicians)
* physical genius (athletes)
* interpersonal genius (lawyers, politicians, psychiatrists)
* intrapersonal genius (psychics, religious leaders, philosophers)
* emotional genius (actors)

People often throw around the term ‘genius’ when it comes to intelligence, but the way we understand this word is now always correct.

There are plenty of signs you didn’t realise could mean that you might actually be a genius, as proved by science.


Geniuses sometimes don’t fit in with the rest of the crowd. They see the world a little differently than us and often have a quirky sense of style. A genius may have a weird hobby like being a ham radio operator or collecting insects.
Often, they are ridiculed by others for their unusual ideas. From theories of gravity to theories of Extraterrestrial DNA, the public is just not ready for the radical idea of these geniuses and they are shunned.


Can't sleep? Reading this at 3am? You Einstein, buddy?

A recent study by the London School of Economics has shown that insomnia is a natural tendency of the highly intelligent. They found that the rates of sleep achieved in hours per night declines as the average IQ level raises. In short - if you're smart, you don't sleep.

Staying awake late at night can be a sign that you have high intelligence. Studies were completed to show that children who were more intelligent grew up to be more nocturnal than their less intelligent counterparts. There are many reasons why this is the case, one argument being that the recent technological advances make our brains reach for technology to search for stimulation at night, ignoring the impulse to rise and fall with the sun like our ancestors.


It probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise that some of the smartest people on Earth have also been the most curious about the world around them. Check here why curiosity is so important .
 After all, it takes an incredible amount of inquisitiveness for a child to question why an apple falls from a tree instead of rising up into the skies and being swallowed up by the ether. It would never even occur to most of us to question something as utterly fundamental as that. I mean, can you even imagine that conversation?
Little boy to teacher: Miss, may I ask you a question?
Teacher: Sure kid.
Little boy: Why do apples fall? Why can’t they just…you know, float away?
Teacher: …Go stand in the corner.


Another sign that you might be a genius is if you are a good listener. People who are geniuses are excellent learners and in order to absorb as much information as they can, they listen intently to any source of information.

The ability to rapidly learn is part of what makes the biggest difference between geniuses and everybody else. We are, for the most part, born with relatively similar brains. Since we are only using a small percentage of them at any given time, being able to capitalize on the power of your brain can help make you a genius.


Social anxiety is a term that encompasses many different traits, attributes and behaviours. However, it can actually mean you have a high IQ. 

If you think about it, people who have anxiety are constantly analyzing their surroundings, reflecting on what is happening, formulating ideas and processing information – all of this requires a lot of intelligence and studies support the idea that socially anxious people are generally more intelligent.


Men who had higher intelligence tended to have fewer sexual partners than those who had more hookups. The number of sexual partners for those who enrolled at the top universities has also been found to be lower than those of students at less prestigious universities.
But these geniuses also spent more on sex toys than students at the less intellectual colleges. People with higher IQ also tend to be monogamous and also have fewer children or no children.

7. YOU SEE Patterns

Smart people see patterns where most people see sheer randomness. One of the greatest hallmarks of intelligence is a heightened ability to see connections and patterns among seemingly unrelated objects and ideas.

 Some of the greatest discoveries in human history have been made through people deducing universal laws from isolated incidents – Newton’s discovery of the laws of gravity due to the falling of an apple being only one example. Finding generalities in particulars is how we make progress in almost any field of study or research.

All this being said, IQ is by no means a conclusive indicator of success or even happiness in life. Even a genius might well waste all his potential and live a life of frustration and ignominy without proper guidance. While having a brilliant mind can certainly be an advantage in life, dedication and hard work are the only things that can help a person to reach their full potential. There are no short-cuts to success.

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