Friday 3 March 2017


Things Every SUCCESSFUL Person Has In Common

From Bill Gates to Warren Buffet, we’ve all wondered where their secrets lay. But what if I told you that the most successful individuals have 10 distinct and unusual things in common that makes them so wealthy? 

Well consider yourself lucky, because below is a list of ten common habits successful people all have in common.

 1  Create Instead of Just Consume

Because..While most people are busy reading emails, watching TV or listening to a podcast, successful people are creating new tools, presentations and coming up with ideas. 

They are the ones who are making things that other people need instead of being on the other end of the spectrum, consuming them.

 2  Have Curiousity and Embraces Possibility 

Because..Two people are running a race and they come up to an immense wall blocking their path. One person sees the wall and starts getting down on himself for wasting his time and decides to quit the race before he wastes even more time. The other person immediately thinks about what the possibilities are for getting over the wall. Will he/she climb it, break through it, dig under it, etc? No matter which option he/she chooses, he/she immediately acts on their decision and collects feedback. 

Successful people adopt an attitude of curiosity and they truly feel that they can always learn something from someone else. They incorporate the great qualities of others while make a point to avoid the bad qualities.

 3  Enjoy The Journey More Than The Pay Out.

Because.. Successful people ignore get rich quick schemes. They are more focused on building sustainable careers through hard work, risk taking and creativity. 

They enjoy the journey, despite the obstacles, because they are doing something that has meaning in their lives.

 4  They Know That They Make Their Own Luck.

Because..Luck is derived from hard work over time and positioning yourself for success. You won't randomly get lucky and successful people know that. 

They will do at least one thing every single day to put themselves in a better position to get lucky and then use that luck to grow.

Luck isn’t magical — there’s a science to it.

 5  Their Education Doesn’t Stop by Graduation

Because..While most people think that when they graduate college, they are finished being a student, successful people remain students. They are constantly learning new things and have new experiences. They aren't afraid to try new activities and to fail at them.

They’re always studying whatever interests them and are always looking to figure out the answers to questions that other people may not know the answer to. So make sure to consistently read new material to gain new ideas and inspiration on a daily basis. All in all, don’t forget that uncommon habits bring uncommon results. So remember to be consistent in your productive habits and to cut out the ones that are hindering you.

 6  They Aren’t Afraid to Say No

Because..Warren Buffet was once quoted saying: the difference between regular people and successful people is that successful people say no to almost everything. If your gut is telling you not to do something, don’t do it. Because remember that it’s better to say ‘no’ and hurt the persons’ feelings, than to say ‘yes’ and be disappointed later on when you end up losing thousands, if not millions, of dollars from a bad deal. 

Time is your currency; and it shouldn’t be wasted on an opportunity that is not going to be beneficial to you in the long run. Keep your standards sky-high and don’t ever let anyone manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do.

 7  They Are Willing to Fail in Order to Eventually Succeed

Because..Remember that failing is essential to success. Failure is inevitable, and successful people have a habit of using failure and rejection as a learning experience instead of a disappointment. Another important thing is that successful people study other people’s failures in order to learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes.

All successful people know that it doesn't come easy and they are bound to fail more than they will succeed at anything. They are willing to learn from each failure, as it will help them make better decisions that lead to success later. While many people give up after failing at something, a successful person will persevere.

 8  They Build Excellent Network

Because..Nobody at the top of the heap goes it alone. And those at the center of networks benefit the most.

Successful people understand the importance of relationships and how it is one of the most important factors in achieving your goals. They also realize that the best way to build a great network is to give help to others first with no expectation of reward. Those who constantly take without giving usually do very poorly on building a solid network.

 9  They Can Communicate Their Story Effectively

Because..People who can communicate effectively excel in life. Strong communicators understand that just because people speak English (or the dominant language in your country), it does not mean they understand each other. What makes them effective is that they are clear about and sensitive to the outcome they want to get from their communication and are flexible in their method of communication to achieve their outcome.

If you walk up to a successful person and ask them what they do, they will able to tell you everything in a concise manner. They know who they are, what they do and can make you believe in them. They have strong posture and are very persuasive and confident.

 10  Make Awesome Mistakes And Admit Them

Because..There are two things you can do to guarantee that you will NOT be successful in the future: Blaming Others and Making Excuses. When you do these two things, you give up both your responsibility and power. When something goes wrong and you blame other people or make excuses, you are clearly stating that you have no power in this situation and things are happening to you and not because of you. Great people admit when they are wrong so they can focus on the solution and not waste energy finding a scape goat. 

Failure is essential.Losers like to hear that because it makes them feel better about their past mistakes. Winners use it to go make more mistakes they can learn from.

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