Hello guys ! ðŸ˜‰
This is Mayank..2nd year psychology student. This is my first post here and the reason why I’m here is very simple .I want to share . I want to share the motivation I see in tiny things,motivation
we miss in everyday life, motivation to which we don’t pay enough attention .Psychological studies  have confirmed that to complete a task or to achieve a goal we need motivation ,and I’m here to scratch that motivation and share it with you to help you achieve your goals. After all SHARING IS CARING !!
In my perception when we watch a motivational movie or whenever we listen to any motivational song , generally its not the whole movie which motivates us but a single line or scene that hits our strings and gives us the chill from the bottom of your spine to the head .But this doesn’t happen with everyone one this which motivates one person may not motivate others, this happens due to the the field we are into for e.g. story of Bill gates will motivate a person who wants to bring some change in computer technology or want to become rich but it has nothing to do with a bodybuilder .Same is vise versa story of Arnold Schwarzenegger will motivate a body builder but it may not motivate a person to study Physics .
          So, what I believe is that there is something common with every person who is successful .There fields may be different but there are similarities ,similarities which can’t be seen if we don’t zoom it .A lamborghini has 4 tires ,1 engine and 1 body same is with a maruti 800 but the difference is noticeable and the reason is simple ,lamborghini doesn’t perform because it has more engines or 8 tires ,it wins because its inner engineering is better than the maruti 800.Same applies on humans, the things which are inside make all the differences and we can see it in all the successful people if we pay enough attention to it , there is always something different in them they get the motivation from tiniest things around them  and we’ll be scratching that motivation too, even if they loose they don’t loose entirely ..they never loose hope.they never stop believing in themselve.They have engineered themselves differently that’s the reason they win.AND we’ll be finding out how we can engineer ourselves to achieve our goals. . .!😊
WE are no different than them ..we can win ..and we will ..just stick with me and we’ll explore a lot together.As you already know this is my first post so please excuse my mistakes if you find any  .., .Share this post with whom you want to make your team with ,choose wisely .AS I HAVE CHOSEN  YOU ..!😉