Saturday 11 March 2017

5 TIPS : Ways to Get Rich and Build Wealth – One Step at a Time

 “Wealth is largely the result of habit.” John Jacob Astor

Becoming rich doesn’t usually happen overnight.  When it does it usually doesn’t last very long.  The main reason this is true is because in order to become rich and have wealth that lasts, you have to have a certain amount of financial discipline over a long period of time.

We all want to experience wealth in our lives. That’s why you’ve most likely come across a number of articles, blog posts, and books that detail how you can achieve wealth at an early age. The thing is, there’s a lot of truth to those words of wisdom.

For those of you without great wealth-building models, here’s how to make these money making ideas work for you. Although the internet is filled with get rich quick queries, luck is the prime driver of “getting rich quickly“. This article is going to tell you ways to get rich that are actionable and lead to making money over time. Getting rich quickly is similar to losing 50 pounds in a month or two and keeping it off.  Getting rich quickly doesn’t work and neither does extreme dieting!

Which is why I’ve put together these five tips on how the young people can achieve wealth.

1. There Is No Rocket Science For Getting Rich

Before I cut loose with the list of financial tips that the title promises, I thought it would be a good idea to let you know that there really aren’t any deep dark secrets for getting rich.

For the most part, earning wealth is about using common sense as a daily habit over many years.  This allows you to build wealth and get rich one day at a time, month after month, year after year.
Building wealth is not a sprint, it’s a marathon, and when you practice the financial discipline tips you find below over a loooong period of time, you will win with money, period!

2. Invest Your Money at a Young Age

Developing financial discipline at a young age is key.  One of the best ways to exercise that discipline at a young age is to start investing your money as early as possible.

The most powerful thing you can do financially is to let the power of compound interest work for you over a long period of time.  Every year you wait to invest costs you potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars at retirement.  But don’t let that be an excuse if you’re getting a late start with investing.  Investing right now is always better than starting tomorrow.

3. Start a Daily Practice

What do you do first thing in the mornings? Do you have a routine that you do at any particular time of the day? Cultivate a daily practice that is the same every day. Write down three things you want to create and a gratitude list. 
This is a good, simple start. Do it every day until you are comfortable enough to add something else. You’ll soon start to see money creep up in small chunks, like change on the ground or unexpected checks. Eventually, as you build momentum, money and ideas will seem to be all around you.
You can make yourself rich internally. As your brain catches up with the feelings, opportunities will abound. When they come up, you have to take some sort of external action to realize your potential and vision. If you’re not rich yet, but are still breathing, you still have a chance to change your life.

4. Put it in writing

The difference between having an idea and putting it on paper is often what separates the uber-successful from average folks. And if you equate success with wealth, it might be time to start writing down your goals, both large and small, in order to become rich.
Thomas Corley, author of "Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits Of Wealthy Individuals," noted that 67 percent of the wealthy people he surveyed wrote down their goals, while 81 percent kept a to-do list. If your goal is to become a multimillionaire, write it down along with an action plan for making it happen.

5. Avoid Debt Like the Plague

Living without debt definitely takes financial discipline, but I can tell you from experience that it’s one of the best things you can ever do financially. 

 Debt sucks you dry financially, costing you thousands every year in interest and fees that could be going into investments.
Don’t let your money go down the drain every year.  Stay away from all consumer debt like credit cards, car payments, and other consumer loans.

There are many definitions of what it means to be rich.
Being rich is more of a state of mind than a dollar amount. Truthfully, the rich can be poor and the poor can be rich. For example, being rich could be a family of five who lovingly share their small piece of bread in a third-world country. Conversely, another family of five may live in a 12-bedroom home and still have strife over an unlimited first-class feast!

Before you can handle great wealth, you must make room for it. This is the old, "if you build it, they will come" model. Trying to squeeze success, wealth, fame or fortune into a small life won't work. Create a life first; the lifestyle of your dreams will follow.
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Wednesday 8 March 2017

Use the “5 Hour Rule” to Improve Your Intelligence and Success

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Oprah Winfrey All Use the 5-Hour Rule

You work hard day after day, but never see any long-term improvement. You feel trapped at your current level, unable to move forward or progress. You see friends and colleagues moving on and getting promoted, and wonder what’s different about you.
If this sounds like you, then you need to start using the 5-hour rule

Read on to find out exactly what the rule involves and how you can implement it in your own life.

Successful people of all kinds get to where they are because their education goes well beyond their schooling. They are lifelong learners, who are constantly pushing their knowledge and abilities so they can become capable and creative leaders. As you’ll see, even the busiest moguls in the world understand that taking time to improve yourself is the wisest investment you can make.

So no matter how busy they are, many of the world’s most esteemed entrepreneurs, artists, and politicians share this quality.
According to Michael Simmons, a columnist from Forbes, co-founder of Empact and best-selling author mentions in his article in INC. titled “Why Constant Learners All Embrace the 5-Hour Rule”, that the 5-hour rule falls into three categories: 

  1. Reading
  2. Reflecting
  3. Experimenting

So,Now you know the three categories the first one sounds quiet obvious because the world’s most powerful and successful people all read voraciously. President Obama, Bill Gates, Oprah, George R.R. Martin, and Warren Buffet have each famously spoken out about how reading got them to where they are today. 

But the other two categories are as obvious as the first one . Let's see how- 

Reading - The ability to read opens countless doors of exploration and learning. Through reading, you expose yourself to new things, new information, new ways to solve a problem, and new ways to achieve one thing.

Bill Gates is a famous advocate of reading and reads around 50 books each year, crediting it as one of the main ways that he learns.

Before you take action on anything, where should you seek for help and guidance? Reading is an essential way which can help you out. In today’s world, getting reviews and feedback from other people can make a big impact on your next decision, and the pros and cons of each choice.

Reflecting Reflection is thinking for an extended period by linking recent experiences to earlier ones in order to promote a more complex and interrelated mental schema or patterns. The thinking involves looking for commonalities, differences, and interrelations beyond their superficial elements. The goal is to develop higher order thinking skills.

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner schedules two hours of thinking time per day. Brian Scudamore, the founder of the $250 million company O2E Brands, spends 10 hours a week just thinking.

Reflection is a key part of learning. Trying to consume too much information without reflecting on it can lead you to feel overwhelmed and prevents you from picking up new skills. It’s important that your reflection time is structured, or you could get distracted.

Experimenting - Lastly, the five-hour run takes the form of rapid experimentation.The five-hour rule, which “focus on productivity and efficiency, not on improvement”, gives people an advantage at work.

 Employees from Google are allowed to spend 20-percent of their work time experimenting with new projects. 

Experimentation is essential if you want to progress in life. Set aside some time each week to test out new theories or ideas, no matter how crazy they are. Some of the most successful products in the world have come about as a result of experimentation. Innovation never comes from doing the same thing over and over. Even if your experiment fails, you’ll have learned valuable lessons.

Continue reading the full article here
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Sunday 5 March 2017


Ask yourself, is the functioning of brain identical to the mind?

Personally, I have observed hundred of times most people think of the brain and the mind as being one and the same thing. They even use the words “brain” and “mind” interchangeably. 

Generally people talk " his mind is so sharp !! " that is not the case here ,what they really mean by that is 'his brain is so sharp' . People think of brain and mind as same but In reality, they are two separate and distinct things.

A computer required hardware to perform its function. And the hardware need software to make it run. Without software, hardware would be useless and without hardware, software can not be used. Brain is like the hardware and mind is like the software. But in reality, the differences between brain mind are more complicated than software and hardware. And when two of them collaborate they form a more complex term called "Consciousness" . Yes, you read it right. The brain and mind are both involved in consciousness.

We all know what our brain is, right? It is that three pounds of “convoluted mass of gray and white matter” in our heads “serving to control and coordinate mental and physical actions.”

OK.  Now, define the mind.

Not as easy, eh?

You may be surprised to find that there is no single, agreed upon definition of the mind.

Being a psychology student this topic has always been one of my favorite and today  I'm going to share my information and knowledge about the difference between 'brain' and 'mind'.

I don't want to sound like a professor that's why I'm keeping it simple and short.

BRAIN (in a nutshell)  

Much of the brain's physiological task involves receiving information from the rest of the body, interpreting that information, and then guiding the body's response to it. Types of input the brain interprets include odors, light, sounds, and pain. The brain also helps perform vital operations such as breathing, maintaining blood pressure, and releasing hormones (chemical signals that control certain cells and organs).

The brain is divided into sections. These sections include the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the diencephalon, and the brainstem.
  Let's not go any deeper in that,

Each of these parts is responsible for certain portions of the brain's overall job. The larger parts are, in turn, divided into smaller areas that handle smaller portions of the work. Different areas often share responsibility for the same task.

Clearly, brains are hot.,

MIND (in a nutshell)

The mind could be divided into three systems: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind or ego, the preconscious or subconscious , and the unconscious mind.Look here for more info.

Let’s now look at how the mind works. I suggest that there are three main functions: analysing, synthesizing and imagining, and valuing.
In the applied forms of effective thinking – decision making, problem solving, and creative or innovative thinking – all three of these functions are at work. It is their underlying health that largely determines the quality of your thought. 

The mind made humans capable to solve complex logical problem which differentiates us than other living beings. Logic makes us understand that things are not as what they seem. Our ability to analyze  situations makes it possible to develop solutions to problems and lead us toward practical solutions. We may not be able to see in the ultraviolet range, but we may design instruments to do so. We may not be able to see atoms, but we can design experiments that enable us to know their properties. Each stage of scientific advancement has usually been made by trying to reach a logical conclusion consistent with our observations. We no longer believe in demons as the cause of disease. We now believe in viruses, bacteria, genetic defects, and environmental pollution as the real causes of disease. Our irrational and unfounded "superstitions" have given way to "knowledge".


The "Brain" is A Physical Organ And it Processes 

  • Metabolism-Despite weighing only about 3 pounds, the brain consumes as much as 20% of the oxygen and glucose taken in by the body. Nervous tissue in the brain has a very high metabolic rate due to the sheer number of decisions and processes taking place within the brain at any given time.
  • Sensory-The brain receives information about the body’s condition and surroundings from all of the sensory receptors in the body. 
  • Motor Control-Our brain directly controls almost all movement in the body. A region of the cerebral cortex known as the motor area sends signals to the skeletal muscles to produce all voluntary movements.
  • Learning and Memory-The brain needs to store many different types of information that it receives from the senses and that it develops through thinking in the association areas. Information in the brain is stored in a few different ways depending on its source and how long it is needed. 
  • Homeostasis-The brain acts as the body’s control center by maintaining the homeostasis of many diverse functions such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and hunger. The brainstem and the hypothalamus are the brain structures most concerned with homeostasis.
  • Sleep-While sleep may seem to be a time of rest for the brain, this organ is actually extremely active during sleep.Reduction in the stimulation of the cerebral cortex leads to a sense of sleepiness and eventually leads to sleep.
  • Reflexes-A reflex is a fast, involuntary reaction to a form of internal or external stimulus. Many reflexes in the body are integrated in the brain, including the pupillary light reflex, coughing, and sneezing. Many reflexes protect the body from harm. For instance, coughing and sneezing clear the airways of the lungs. Other reflexes help the body respond to stimuli, such as adjusting the pupils to bright or dim light. All reflexes happen quickly by bypassing the control centers of the cerebral cortex and integrating in the lower regions of the brain such as the midbrain or limbic system.

The "Mind" is A  More Philosophical Concept

  • The mind observes and monitors the flow of energy and information across time while modifying it by giving it characteristics and patterns.
  • The mind bereft of thoughts is an active mind. Mind is without dimensions. It is the result of electrical impulsions across the brain. Mind has no definite place within the body.
  • Philosophers understand the mind altogether as a different concept. They call it different from the body. It cannot be the soul either. It is a separate entity. Mind cannot be touched and studied. This is so because it is not made of any material. You can see the brain, but you cannot see the mind.
  • Mind is a conglomeration of thugohts, memories and the like. Mind can be active one day and can be dull on some other day. Mind is akin to a computer that receives information from various sources.If you say your mind is not good at the moment, then it only means that your thoughts are not good at the moment.
  • The brain can also be altered to affect the mind either by mind-altering (note we call them mind-altering, though in fact they're brain-altering) drugs or more directly by anaesthetics which render you unconscious by inhibiting the action of anaesthetics by rendering you unconscious.
  • Our mind is continually communicating three kind of things to us 1)what is going on in our life?; 2) feelings (positive or negative) about events; 3) things to pursue , where to put our energy.


• Brain is made of physical matter whereas mind is not made of physical matter.
• Brain can be touched and studied, but mind cannot be touched and seen.
• Brain is a conglomeration of nerves, cells, blood vessels and the like. Mind is a conglomeration of thoughts, memories, emotions.
• Brain has a definite place within the body. It is placed in the most important part of the body, namely, the head. Mind has no definite place within the body. It is presumed to be residing within the brain.
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Friday 3 March 2017


Things Every SUCCESSFUL Person Has In Common

From Bill Gates to Warren Buffet, we’ve all wondered where their secrets lay. But what if I told you that the most successful individuals have 10 distinct and unusual things in common that makes them so wealthy? 

Well consider yourself lucky, because below is a list of ten common habits successful people all have in common.

 1  Create Instead of Just Consume

Because..While most people are busy reading emails, watching TV or listening to a podcast, successful people are creating new tools, presentations and coming up with ideas. 

They are the ones who are making things that other people need instead of being on the other end of the spectrum, consuming them.

 2  Have Curiousity and Embraces Possibility 

Because..Two people are running a race and they come up to an immense wall blocking their path. One person sees the wall and starts getting down on himself for wasting his time and decides to quit the race before he wastes even more time. The other person immediately thinks about what the possibilities are for getting over the wall. Will he/she climb it, break through it, dig under it, etc? No matter which option he/she chooses, he/she immediately acts on their decision and collects feedback. 

Successful people adopt an attitude of curiosity and they truly feel that they can always learn something from someone else. They incorporate the great qualities of others while make a point to avoid the bad qualities.

 3  Enjoy The Journey More Than The Pay Out.

Because.. Successful people ignore get rich quick schemes. They are more focused on building sustainable careers through hard work, risk taking and creativity. 

They enjoy the journey, despite the obstacles, because they are doing something that has meaning in their lives.

 4  They Know That They Make Their Own Luck.

Because..Luck is derived from hard work over time and positioning yourself for success. You won't randomly get lucky and successful people know that. 

They will do at least one thing every single day to put themselves in a better position to get lucky and then use that luck to grow.

Luck isn’t magical — there’s a science to it.

 5  Their Education Doesn’t Stop by Graduation

Because..While most people think that when they graduate college, they are finished being a student, successful people remain students. They are constantly learning new things and have new experiences. They aren't afraid to try new activities and to fail at them.

They’re always studying whatever interests them and are always looking to figure out the answers to questions that other people may not know the answer to. So make sure to consistently read new material to gain new ideas and inspiration on a daily basis. All in all, don’t forget that uncommon habits bring uncommon results. So remember to be consistent in your productive habits and to cut out the ones that are hindering you.

 6  They Aren’t Afraid to Say No

Because..Warren Buffet was once quoted saying: the difference between regular people and successful people is that successful people say no to almost everything. If your gut is telling you not to do something, don’t do it. Because remember that it’s better to say ‘no’ and hurt the persons’ feelings, than to say ‘yes’ and be disappointed later on when you end up losing thousands, if not millions, of dollars from a bad deal. 

Time is your currency; and it shouldn’t be wasted on an opportunity that is not going to be beneficial to you in the long run. Keep your standards sky-high and don’t ever let anyone manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do.

 7  They Are Willing to Fail in Order to Eventually Succeed

Because..Remember that failing is essential to success. Failure is inevitable, and successful people have a habit of using failure and rejection as a learning experience instead of a disappointment. Another important thing is that successful people study other people’s failures in order to learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes.

All successful people know that it doesn't come easy and they are bound to fail more than they will succeed at anything. They are willing to learn from each failure, as it will help them make better decisions that lead to success later. While many people give up after failing at something, a successful person will persevere.

 8  They Build Excellent Network

Because..Nobody at the top of the heap goes it alone. And those at the center of networks benefit the most.

Successful people understand the importance of relationships and how it is one of the most important factors in achieving your goals. They also realize that the best way to build a great network is to give help to others first with no expectation of reward. Those who constantly take without giving usually do very poorly on building a solid network.

 9  They Can Communicate Their Story Effectively

Because..People who can communicate effectively excel in life. Strong communicators understand that just because people speak English (or the dominant language in your country), it does not mean they understand each other. What makes them effective is that they are clear about and sensitive to the outcome they want to get from their communication and are flexible in their method of communication to achieve their outcome.

If you walk up to a successful person and ask them what they do, they will able to tell you everything in a concise manner. They know who they are, what they do and can make you believe in them. They have strong posture and are very persuasive and confident.

 10  Make Awesome Mistakes And Admit Them

Because..There are two things you can do to guarantee that you will NOT be successful in the future: Blaming Others and Making Excuses. When you do these two things, you give up both your responsibility and power. When something goes wrong and you blame other people or make excuses, you are clearly stating that you have no power in this situation and things are happening to you and not because of you. Great people admit when they are wrong so they can focus on the solution and not waste energy finding a scape goat. 

Failure is essential.Losers like to hear that because it makes them feel better about their past mistakes. Winners use it to go make more mistakes they can learn from.
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Thursday 2 March 2017

DO YOU STAY UP LATE : You Might Be A Genius And Not Even Realize It

Unexpected Signs You Might Be a Genius

People have called you smart before, but you might have wondered if you could, in fact, be a genius. There are many different types of intelligence, but the IQ test is usually the one standard that is used to determine genius.
Of your intellect, you have multiple different ways to show your genius. Dr. Howard Gardner coined the term ‘multiple intelligence.’ This is the idea that Mozart and Einstein were both geniuses, but in different ways.
You might be any of the following types of genius:

* linguistic genius (writers, speakers)
* mathematical genius (scientists, financial planners)
* naturalistic genius (farmers, botanists)
* visual/spatial genius (artists, dancers)
* musical genius (composers, musicians)
* physical genius (athletes)
* interpersonal genius (lawyers, politicians, psychiatrists)
* intrapersonal genius (psychics, religious leaders, philosophers)
* emotional genius (actors)

People often throw around the term ‘genius’ when it comes to intelligence, but the way we understand this word is now always correct.

There are plenty of signs you didn’t realise could mean that you might actually be a genius, as proved by science.


Geniuses sometimes don’t fit in with the rest of the crowd. They see the world a little differently than us and often have a quirky sense of style. A genius may have a weird hobby like being a ham radio operator or collecting insects.
Often, they are ridiculed by others for their unusual ideas. From theories of gravity to theories of Extraterrestrial DNA, the public is just not ready for the radical idea of these geniuses and they are shunned.


Can't sleep? Reading this at 3am? You Einstein, buddy?

A recent study by the London School of Economics has shown that insomnia is a natural tendency of the highly intelligent. They found that the rates of sleep achieved in hours per night declines as the average IQ level raises. In short - if you're smart, you don't sleep.

Staying awake late at night can be a sign that you have high intelligence. Studies were completed to show that children who were more intelligent grew up to be more nocturnal than their less intelligent counterparts. There are many reasons why this is the case, one argument being that the recent technological advances make our brains reach for technology to search for stimulation at night, ignoring the impulse to rise and fall with the sun like our ancestors.


It probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise that some of the smartest people on Earth have also been the most curious about the world around them. Check here why curiosity is so important .
 After all, it takes an incredible amount of inquisitiveness for a child to question why an apple falls from a tree instead of rising up into the skies and being swallowed up by the ether. It would never even occur to most of us to question something as utterly fundamental as that. I mean, can you even imagine that conversation?
Little boy to teacher: Miss, may I ask you a question?
Teacher: Sure kid.
Little boy: Why do apples fall? Why can’t they just…you know, float away?
Teacher: …Go stand in the corner.


Another sign that you might be a genius is if you are a good listener. People who are geniuses are excellent learners and in order to absorb as much information as they can, they listen intently to any source of information.

The ability to rapidly learn is part of what makes the biggest difference between geniuses and everybody else. We are, for the most part, born with relatively similar brains. Since we are only using a small percentage of them at any given time, being able to capitalize on the power of your brain can help make you a genius.


Social anxiety is a term that encompasses many different traits, attributes and behaviours. However, it can actually mean you have a high IQ. 

If you think about it, people who have anxiety are constantly analyzing their surroundings, reflecting on what is happening, formulating ideas and processing information – all of this requires a lot of intelligence and studies support the idea that socially anxious people are generally more intelligent.


Men who had higher intelligence tended to have fewer sexual partners than those who had more hookups. The number of sexual partners for those who enrolled at the top universities has also been found to be lower than those of students at less prestigious universities.
But these geniuses also spent more on sex toys than students at the less intellectual colleges. People with higher IQ also tend to be monogamous and also have fewer children or no children.

7. YOU SEE Patterns

Smart people see patterns where most people see sheer randomness. One of the greatest hallmarks of intelligence is a heightened ability to see connections and patterns among seemingly unrelated objects and ideas.

 Some of the greatest discoveries in human history have been made through people deducing universal laws from isolated incidents – Newton’s discovery of the laws of gravity due to the falling of an apple being only one example. Finding generalities in particulars is how we make progress in almost any field of study or research.

All this being said, IQ is by no means a conclusive indicator of success or even happiness in life. Even a genius might well waste all his potential and live a life of frustration and ignominy without proper guidance. While having a brilliant mind can certainly be an advantage in life, dedication and hard work are the only things that can help a person to reach their full potential. There are no short-cuts to success.
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