Tuesday 14 February 2017

Very Rare Information About Brain You Must Know

When you compare the brain's detectives, neuroscientists, to other detectives, the neuroscientists seem to fall short in solving mysteries.

Here is Why..

Brain is the central organ of the human body. It is extremely complex and sophisticated. The functions of the brain were found by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks in 400 BC. It was Hippocrates who first discovered that brain played an important role in sensation and intelligence. 
Neuroscience aims to understand how a person arises out of a clump of squishy matter. It's where psychology meets biology. And with new tools at our disposal—computer simulations, medical imaging—we double our knowledge every decade. Roll up your sleeves and poke around.
Nowadays, everyone understand the importance of having the brain, but most of us don’t know much about it, so here are some interesting facts for you.

1.Information travels at different speeds within different types of neurons. Not all neurons are the same. There are a few different types within the body and transmission along these different kinds can be as slow as 0.5 meters/sec or as fast as 120 meters/sec.

2.The capacity for such emotions as joy, happiness, fear, and shyness are already developed at birth. The specific type of nurturing a child receives shapes how these emotions are developed.

3.The Hypothalamus part of the brain regulates body temperature much like a thermostat. The hypothalamus knows what temperature your body should be (about 98.6 Fahrenheit or 37 Celsius), and if your body is too hot, the hypothalamus tells it to sweat. If you’re too cold, the hypothalamus makes you start shivering. Shivering and sweating helps get your body’s temperature back to normal.

4.People who constantly bite the skin around their fingernails or on the inside of their cheeks suffer from dermatophagia, an impulse control disorder linked to anxiety and obsession. Source

5.Altitude makes the brain see strange visions – Many religions involve special visions that occurred at great heights. For example, Moses encountered a voice emanating from a burning bush on Mount Sinai and Muhammad was visited by an angel on Mount Hira. Similar phenomena are reported by mountain climbers, but they don’t think it’s very mystical. Many of the effects are attributable to the reduced supply of oxygen to the brain.

 At 8,000ft or higher, some mountaineers report perceiving unseen companions, seeing light emanating from themselves or others, seeing a second body like their own, and suddenly feeling emotions such as fear. Oxygen deprivation is likely to interfere with brain regions active in visual and face processing, and in emotional events.

6.Alcohol interferes with brain processes by weakening connections between neurons.

7.More electrical impulses are generated in one day by a single human brain than by all the telephones in the world.

8.People who have damage to the amygdala, such as from Urbach–Wiethe disease, are unable to experience fear. This is not debilitating, but a lack of fear can allow someone to get into a dangerous situation they otherwise would have avoided. – Source

9.According to a UK psychiatry study, 3 out of 11 personality disorders were more common in executives than in criminal psychiatric patients. The business people were described as “successful psychopaths and the criminals as unsuccessful psychopaths.” – Source

10.There is a galaxy of neural networks active in our bodies designed to get information from the outside. All this information is travelling from the outer reaches of the body to the brain, sometimes at speeds of 268 miles per hour. The brain is structured in such a way that information is processed both linear and parallel.

Brain never fails to surprise me..,

So, now when you know all these facts one thing is clear that if we compare our lives(for those who think life is complex) with the things which are inside us working 24x7 to keep us alive are much more complex .Keep it simple ;)

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