Monday 20 February 2017

4 Easiest Ways To Spot A Fake Nice Person

Cannot trust everyone these days. Fake is becoming the new trend


Have you ever watched Game of Thrones ? If yes ,then you know one thing that how the Starks(not all) were killed .They could have survived if they knew who was real and who was fake. It's very important to identify who is on your side and who is just pretending to be on your side.You must be thinking now '' ..but that's just a show ! There is nothing to worry about ! '' .Yes it is but it has a lot of things to teach about human nature; never forget what Stephen King said "Fiction is the truth inside the lie"
The first day at college, you meet a friend, became roomies, had endless conversations, and suddenly you find out your friend is fake? They might let your secrets out and talked bad about you, or simply said, stubbed you in the back when you needed them the most!
Well, this is just a mimic of many of such unhappy events of life. We have people in our lives whom we think to be “nice”, when in reality, they are the very toxic people we shouldn’t entertain. To put it bluntly, they are fake and only pretended to be nice.
Friends are important, friendship is to be cherished. But, how to distinguish between the “good” and the “bad”?

As you're well aware of, these people do a pretty damn good job of hiding their fake essence, and even though we've all encountered too many of the sort, we still get tricked up by the slimy buggers.
Who wouldn't? They come in with their glowing hellos and their big balloons and over-reaching promises.
It's almost impossible to tell what fake is until you've been through the ringer and come out the other side with a few good friends hanging on, and if you're still reading this, you know what I'm talking about.
So I'm going to try to break it down to its bare bones, the withered endpoints and give you just a few telltale signs of what it looks like when someone is being real and someone is being fake:

                       Let's get Started


1. Fake People are Passive Aggressive.

Fake friends are really good at speaking in a passive aggressive way. They always find a way to insult you with a compliment. This will slowly reduce your self-confidence and often you won’t realize it’s even happening.

2.They Want To Be Prioritized

Yes, these are the people who would want you to make them the most important people in your life. But they won’t do the same.

A fake friend will expect you to always put them first. They think that your life revolves around them and their situation will always be worse. Again this is all about competition.

3.Fake People Gossip a Lot.

This should be a huge red flag for you if your “friend” gossips about others. We all need to vent but when they are ripping apart it goes to show they aren’t truly nice people.

They will eat your head talking nonsense about others. Just think, don’t you feel they must be doing the same to you as well?

4.They Are Competitive With You

For them, EVERYTHING is a competition. They condition themselves to think that they are the best, they are better than you and will always make sure to get the best. Whether it’s a promotion, new clothes, academic scores and basically anything.

Even if you got a new job or a promotion at work, your fake friend will always out-do you. They will always outdo you and your news won’t be good news, their news will always be better. To them, it’s a competition.


1. They Will Accept The “Crazy” You

Too loud in the public or weird dance moves? We all possess some sort of traits which seem odd. But not to that person or people you call friend/s. They will love you, and not scorn at your “weirdness”.

We all have elements of our personality that are a little quirky, a real friend will stand by you despite your quirks.

2.They Always Forgive And Forget As Well

We are only humans. We make mistakes. A good friend will always forgive you, correct you, if needs be. A fake one will make sure to bring up your faults one way or the other.

3.They Make Time For You.

Your real friends will always make time for you, if it’s a Saturday morning coffee or a phone call after work, they want to spend time with you and they will.
It’s also important to be able to recognize the signs of a fake friend, and not just what a real friend is.

4.Always in Touch.

Your real friends will always stay in touch with you because they are interested in you and your life. You might notice that fake people will only contact you.

Long distance friendships are as complicated as long distance love relationships. A good friend will make sure to text you, call you, send silly snapchat pictures and skype with you once in a while.

Now you know.So, Don't be fooled by their mask.Fake people eventually show their true colors. Just wait until their mask needs careful.

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