Wednesday 8 February 2017

Things Every Introvert Wishes Everyone Understood

If you’re friends with an introvert and want to find introvert-friendly and fun activities you can do to please their pensive nature, look no further.

General thought about introverts is that they are boring people ,but this is not true.The case is just this our way of enjoying is different.We enjoy different things For example, there is literally no better feeling for an introvert than making plans to meet new people, and then simply not doing it. This gives the introvert the biggest sense of relief one can imagine. For extroverts, the only equivalent amount of relief would be, if, in planning a college course, the professor scheduled a half dozen exams and cancelled five of them just before they were to occur. Oh, what relief!

Sympathetic articles, books and lectures aside, introverts -- or those with the so-called "quiet" personality type -- may still feel misunderstood in a society that champions extrovert traits like non-stop connectedness.

 Below are just a few things they wished everyone grasped about the personality type.

1.Craving downtime doesn't mean they're anti-social.

Introverts need time to recharge, but they still want to be with their friends after they've snagged that alone time. They're not anti-social; they're selectively social.
"Just because nine times out of 10, I decline your invitation, does not mean I want you to stop inviting me," said reader Carolyn Mae Ladas on Facebook.

2.Find something specific to discuss

Introverts, while generally avoiding being the center of attention, completely enjoy intimate conversation. Because they desire to engage in solitary activities, they tend to be proficient in many areas. The difference is that introverts do not feel comfortable showing off that knowledge or talent. If you can create a comfortable situation in which introverts will feel safe expressing their views or opinions, they will very likely have a lot to say, and, better yet, be correct in saying it.

3.Don’t make any plans

Often, an introvert just loves knowing they have a whole day, or even better a weekend, ahead of them with nothing planned. They are free to do whatever they like, and that can sometimes be the best possibly remedy after a stressful week.

4.Engage in single-player athletic activities.

Introverts are not necessarily all nerds. They do enjoy physical activity, but tend towards sports in which their own performances are judged individually. Golf, tennis, rowing, boxing, ice skating and many other sports are populated by introverts who could not stand the idea of coordinating a team of five or 10 or 50, as it sometimes is with other sports.

5.Explore places you’ve never been before.

Introverts like to travel to new places. The destination does not necessarily even have to be a new city; introverts love the freedom that comes with going into a new part of the same town, because it does not remind them of anything. The time spent traveling to new places is one of the few times the mind of an introvert is actually quiet.

6.Practice their hobby

Introverts have specific hobbies that allow them to expand their skills and often, are activities that allow them some introspection. Whether it is reading, writing, woodwork, a musical instrument or art – find out what their hobby is and try to include yourself by asking questions, taking an interest or even doing it yourself.

7. Read together

Whilst there will most definitely be introverts who hate reading, the majority I have come across in my lifetime love it. Readers love nothing more than having somebody to simply read next to them, whether it is on the same bench overlooking a pretty sunset or on bean bags on opposite sides of the room – read with your introvert and make them happy.

..and last but not least...

8.Lose yourself in music

Introverts tend to be pensive creatures, who soak up the atmosphere around them and take a lot away from music. Some introverts may feel free and happier when enveloped by music. As such, the right music truly digs deep down into their core. Turn on some tunes at home and just listen.

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