Saturday 25 February 2017

10 Influential Psychology Studies You Should Remember

General psychology is an important discipline because it focuses on understanding, explaining and predicting human behavior, emotions and mental processes. According to Psychology Today, the principles of general psychologyhave an impact on relationships, in the workplace and in many other environmentsGeneral psychology is an important discipline because it focuses on understanding, explaining and predicting human behavior, emotions and mental processes.

 According to Psychology Today, the principles of general psychology have an impact on relationships, in the workplace and in many other environments.

Below are 10 awesome psychological studies to help you enhance your social understanding with the help of psychology :

1. The Placebo Effect

Perhaps you've had the experience that a headache improves seconds after you take an aspirin? This can't be the drug because it takes at least 15 minutes to kick in.

That's the placebo effect: your mind knows you've taken a pill, so you feel better. In medicine it seems strongest in the case of pain: some studies suggest a placebo of saline (salty water) can be as powerful as morphine. Some studies even suggest that 80% of the power of Prozac is placebo.

The placebo effect is counter-intuitive because we easily forget that mind and body are not separate.

2. The Bystander Effect.

Would you rather get into an accident on a crowded street or one with just a few people? If you said the more crowded place, you might want to reconsider. Several studies have shown that people are far less likely to help others when there’s a crowd nearby, as opposed to when they are alone.

The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation. Social psychologists Bibb LatanĂ© and John Darley popularized the concept following the infamous 1964 Kitty Genovese murder in New York City.

3. The Marshmallow Experiment.

In the late 1960s, Walter Mischel tested children’s ability to delay gratification by sitting 4-year-olds at a table with marshmallows. The children were allowed to have one marshmallow now, or two 15-minutes later. Most children said they’d wait but ended up giving in, with only a few making it to the 15-minute mark. The children who delayed gratification longest ended up as more successful adults, received higher SAT scores, were less likely to be obese and less likely to have drug or behavioral issues.

 We can’t take you back to your childhood. But you can learn something from the most successful 4-year-olds, who practiced avoidance techniques like covering their eyes. If you’re trying to curb a bad habit, do the same. Remove the offending item from your home, and avoid situations in which you might be tempted to do it. Not exposing yourself to temptation makes maintaining willpower far easier.

4. Optimistic People Have Healthier Hearts

Those of you that see the glass as half-full, may have an advantage over your glass half-empty counterparts.
study published in the journal Health Behavior and Policy Review found that if you have an optimistic outlook on life than chances are you have better cardiovascular health.
The study looked at over 5,100 different adults between the ages of 45 and 84. They were rated according to the American Health Association’s heart-health criteria using 7 metrics.
The metrics included blood pressure, body mass index, fasting plasma glucose and serum cholesterol levels, dietary intake, physical activity and tobacco use.
Higher optimism was associated with higher health scores. People who were the most optimistic were 50% to 76% more likely to be in the intermediate to ideal heart health ranges.
Rosalba Hernandez – one of the researchers – said this:
At the population level, even this moderate difference in cardiovascular health translates into a significant reduction in death rates.”

5. Spotting Narcissism and Low Self-Esteem on Facebook

Think you are a narcissist or someone with low self-esteem?
Most of you will probably have the knee-jerk reaction of “NO!” But let’s take a look at what your Facebook posts say about you.
Research from Brunel University identified common posts with personality and other traits. Here’s a quick rundown of their results.
  • People with low self-esteem post updates about their current romantic partner
  • Narcissists post updates about their achievements more frequently. They also had more updates about their diet and exercise routine to broadcast the effort they put into their physical appearance
  • Conscientiousness people give more updates about their children
  • Extroverts would post updates about social activities and everyday life
  • People who rate high in openness to experience were more likely to update about intellectual topics
These shouldn’t be taken as hard and fast rules. But it might give you an indication of what type of person you or someone else might be by seeing what they post the most about.

6. The Spotlight Effect. 

The spotlight effect is the phenomenon in which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are. Being that one is constantly in the center of one's own world, an accurate evaluation of how much one is noticed by others has shown to be uncommon.
In 2000, Thomas Gilovich set up a series of studies to learn about the powers of perception. Participants wore shirts depicting various people’s faces, then predicted how many people would remember who was on their shirt. In both instances, the participants drastically overestimated how many people would notice who was on their shirts. In a brainstorming exercise, they thought other group members would judge their mistakes more harshly – but also thought they’d spoken more often than they had, and would be rated higher on the value of their contributions.
Today, Gilovich’s findings are known as the ‘spotlight effect.’ Because human beings are egocentric, we assume that everybody is focusing on us, when in fact they’re busy wrapped up in their own lives.

7. Hallucinations are common

Hallucinations are like waking dreams, and we tend to think of them as markers of serious mental illness. In reality, however, they are more common amongst 'normal' people than we might imagine. One-third of us report having experienced hallucinations, with 20% experiencing hallucinations once a month, and 2% once a week (Ohayon, 2000).

Similarly, 'normal' people often have paranoid thoughts. The gap between people with mental illness and the 'sane' is a lot smaller than we'd like to think.

8. Key to Charisma is Quick Wit

There are some people who can walk into a room and others seem drawn to them.

While people might find certain characteristics more charismatic than others, a psychology study this year finds one of the keys to charisma is a nimble mind.

You might jump to the conclusion that people with a high IQ may have an edge. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. It’s a bit more complex than that.

What is more important is the speed of the social response. The study included over 400 people. Psychologists found that those people who could answer general knowledge questions quickly were perceived to have more charisma by their friends.

One of the researchers, William von Hippel, explains further:
Although we expected mental speed to predict charisma, we thought that it would be less important than IQ. Instead, we found that how smart people were was less important than how quick they were.
So knowing the right answer to a tough question appears to be less important than being able to consider a large number of social responses in a brief window of time.”

9. Trying to Suppress Your Thoughts is Counterproductive

When you're down or worried about something, people often say: "hey, try not to think about it; just put it out of your mind!"

This is very bad advice. Trying to suppress your thoughts is counter-productive. Like trying as hard as you can not to think about pink elephants or white bears. What people experience when they try to suppress their thoughts is an ironic rebound effect: the thought comes back stronger than before. Looking for distractions is a much better strategy.

10. Psychopaths Don’t Yawn

Nobody likes creepers. Or psychopaths for that matter.
So what’s a good way to spot a psychopath?
If they don’t exhibit contagious yawning.
Yawning after watching someone else yawn has been linked with social bonding and empathy. Other social animals do it too, including dogs and monkeys.
Students at Baylor University took a personality test gauging their psychopathic tendencies. They then watched short 10 second clips of different facial expressions while having electrodes hooked up to different parts of their face.
The study revealed that the more empathetic someone was, the better chance of them yawning in response.
Brian Rundle from the study has a word of caution though:
The take-home lesson is not that if you yawn and someone else doesn’t, the other person is a psychopath.
A lot of people didn’t yawn, and we know that we’re not very likely to yawn in response to a stranger we don’t have empathetic connections with.”
So a better indicator would be that if a person doesn’t yawn in response to a friend’s yawn, they may be a bit low on the empathy scale.
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Thursday 23 February 2017

12 Carefully Selected Quotes: Most Powerful and Wisest



Let me guess…
You often drag yourself to work and feel like everyday is the same.
Perhaps it feels like your life is on autopilot.
At moments you might even feel like your life is not very meaningful and you miss a clear sense of purpose.
Am I right?
Well, sometimes all you need are a few inspiring wise words that will give you a new perspective on life.

These 12 carefully selected words of wisdom truly are some of the most powerful and wisest quotes ever written.

Let's start with my personal favorite from Sigmund Freud..

1. "Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes." Sigmund Freud

2. "When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." Helen Keller

3. "Many people are passionate, but because of their limiting beliefs about who they are and what they can do, they never take actions that could make their dream a reality” Anthony Robins

4. "Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity."Henry van Dyke

5. "A friend to all is a friend to none."Aristotle

6. "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply." Stephen Covey

7. "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." Albert Einstein

8. "We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty." Mother Theresa

9. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." ~Lao Tzu

10. "There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way." ~Christopher Morley 

11. "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

12.  "Challenges is what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." Joshua J. Marine

..and in the end a three line story

A man once told The Buddha, “I want happiness.”
The Buddha replied, “First remove “I”, that’s ego. Then remove “want”, that’s desire. And now all you’re left with is Happiness.”
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Monday 20 February 2017

4 Easiest Ways To Spot A Fake Nice Person

Cannot trust everyone these days. Fake is becoming the new trend


Have you ever watched Game of Thrones ? If yes ,then you know one thing that how the Starks(not all) were killed .They could have survived if they knew who was real and who was fake. It's very important to identify who is on your side and who is just pretending to be on your side.You must be thinking now '' ..but that's just a show ! There is nothing to worry about ! '' .Yes it is but it has a lot of things to teach about human nature; never forget what Stephen King said "Fiction is the truth inside the lie"
The first day at college, you meet a friend, became roomies, had endless conversations, and suddenly you find out your friend is fake? They might let your secrets out and talked bad about you, or simply said, stubbed you in the back when you needed them the most!
Well, this is just a mimic of many of such unhappy events of life. We have people in our lives whom we think to be “nice”, when in reality, they are the very toxic people we shouldn’t entertain. To put it bluntly, they are fake and only pretended to be nice.
Friends are important, friendship is to be cherished. But, how to distinguish between the “good” and the “bad”?

As you're well aware of, these people do a pretty damn good job of hiding their fake essence, and even though we've all encountered too many of the sort, we still get tricked up by the slimy buggers.
Who wouldn't? They come in with their glowing hellos and their big balloons and over-reaching promises.
It's almost impossible to tell what fake is until you've been through the ringer and come out the other side with a few good friends hanging on, and if you're still reading this, you know what I'm talking about.
So I'm going to try to break it down to its bare bones, the withered endpoints and give you just a few telltale signs of what it looks like when someone is being real and someone is being fake:

                       Let's get Started


1. Fake People are Passive Aggressive.

Fake friends are really good at speaking in a passive aggressive way. They always find a way to insult you with a compliment. This will slowly reduce your self-confidence and often you won’t realize it’s even happening.

2.They Want To Be Prioritized

Yes, these are the people who would want you to make them the most important people in your life. But they won’t do the same.

A fake friend will expect you to always put them first. They think that your life revolves around them and their situation will always be worse. Again this is all about competition.

3.Fake People Gossip a Lot.

This should be a huge red flag for you if your “friend” gossips about others. We all need to vent but when they are ripping apart it goes to show they aren’t truly nice people.

They will eat your head talking nonsense about others. Just think, don’t you feel they must be doing the same to you as well?

4.They Are Competitive With You

For them, EVERYTHING is a competition. They condition themselves to think that they are the best, they are better than you and will always make sure to get the best. Whether it’s a promotion, new clothes, academic scores and basically anything.

Even if you got a new job or a promotion at work, your fake friend will always out-do you. They will always outdo you and your news won’t be good news, their news will always be better. To them, it’s a competition.


1. They Will Accept The “Crazy” You

Too loud in the public or weird dance moves? We all possess some sort of traits which seem odd. But not to that person or people you call friend/s. They will love you, and not scorn at your “weirdness”.

We all have elements of our personality that are a little quirky, a real friend will stand by you despite your quirks.

2.They Always Forgive And Forget As Well

We are only humans. We make mistakes. A good friend will always forgive you, correct you, if needs be. A fake one will make sure to bring up your faults one way or the other.

3.They Make Time For You.

Your real friends will always make time for you, if it’s a Saturday morning coffee or a phone call after work, they want to spend time with you and they will.
It’s also important to be able to recognize the signs of a fake friend, and not just what a real friend is.

4.Always in Touch.

Your real friends will always stay in touch with you because they are interested in you and your life. You might notice that fake people will only contact you.

Long distance friendships are as complicated as long distance love relationships. A good friend will make sure to text you, call you, send silly snapchat pictures and skype with you once in a while.

Now you know.So, Don't be fooled by their mask.Fake people eventually show their true colors. Just wait until their mask needs careful.

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Tuesday 14 February 2017

Very Rare Information About Brain You Must Know

When you compare the brain's detectives, neuroscientists, to other detectives, the neuroscientists seem to fall short in solving mysteries.

Here is Why..

Brain is the central organ of the human body. It is extremely complex and sophisticated. The functions of the brain were found by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks in 400 BC. It was Hippocrates who first discovered that brain played an important role in sensation and intelligence. 
Neuroscience aims to understand how a person arises out of a clump of squishy matter. It's where psychology meets biology. And with new tools at our disposal—computer simulations, medical imaging—we double our knowledge every decade. Roll up your sleeves and poke around.
Nowadays, everyone understand the importance of having the brain, but most of us don’t know much about it, so here are some interesting facts for you.

1.Information travels at different speeds within different types of neurons. Not all neurons are the same. There are a few different types within the body and transmission along these different kinds can be as slow as 0.5 meters/sec or as fast as 120 meters/sec.

2.The capacity for such emotions as joy, happiness, fear, and shyness are already developed at birth. The specific type of nurturing a child receives shapes how these emotions are developed.

3.The Hypothalamus part of the brain regulates body temperature much like a thermostat. The hypothalamus knows what temperature your body should be (about 98.6 Fahrenheit or 37 Celsius), and if your body is too hot, the hypothalamus tells it to sweat. If you’re too cold, the hypothalamus makes you start shivering. Shivering and sweating helps get your body’s temperature back to normal.

4.People who constantly bite the skin around their fingernails or on the inside of their cheeks suffer from dermatophagia, an impulse control disorder linked to anxiety and obsession. Source

5.Altitude makes the brain see strange visions – Many religions involve special visions that occurred at great heights. For example, Moses encountered a voice emanating from a burning bush on Mount Sinai and Muhammad was visited by an angel on Mount Hira. Similar phenomena are reported by mountain climbers, but they don’t think it’s very mystical. Many of the effects are attributable to the reduced supply of oxygen to the brain.

 At 8,000ft or higher, some mountaineers report perceiving unseen companions, seeing light emanating from themselves or others, seeing a second body like their own, and suddenly feeling emotions such as fear. Oxygen deprivation is likely to interfere with brain regions active in visual and face processing, and in emotional events.

6.Alcohol interferes with brain processes by weakening connections between neurons.

7.More electrical impulses are generated in one day by a single human brain than by all the telephones in the world.

8.People who have damage to the amygdala, such as from Urbach–Wiethe disease, are unable to experience fear. This is not debilitating, but a lack of fear can allow someone to get into a dangerous situation they otherwise would have avoided. – Source

9.According to a UK psychiatry study, 3 out of 11 personality disorders were more common in executives than in criminal psychiatric patients. The business people were described as “successful psychopaths and the criminals as unsuccessful psychopaths.” – Source

10.There is a galaxy of neural networks active in our bodies designed to get information from the outside. All this information is travelling from the outer reaches of the body to the brain, sometimes at speeds of 268 miles per hour. The brain is structured in such a way that information is processed both linear and parallel.

Brain never fails to surprise me..,

So, now when you know all these facts one thing is clear that if we compare our lives(for those who think life is complex) with the things which are inside us working 24x7 to keep us alive are much more complex .Keep it simple ;)
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